Mamoun has written widely on different aspects of cinema through his reviews, including lead reviews for The Times Higher Education Supplement on David Lean, Alexander Mackendrick, Lindsay Anderson, Billy Wilder, Akira Kurosawa, John Ford, Stanley Kubrick, Steven Spielberg, Fritz Lang and many others.
From Mamoun Hassan’s book on Kurosawa (in preparation):
From the Times Higher Education Supplement:
Lindsay Anderson: The fechter who fought for life
Alexander Mackendrick: Any fool can see that
David Lean: Blithe cutting spirit
Billy Wilder: Stepping out with Wilder
Gillo Pontecorvo’s The Battle of Algiers: The human face of torture
Akira Kurosawa: One cut that really gets under the skin
John Ford: The son of a bitch who happened to be a genius
Hollywood: Shooting from the hip
Stanley Kubrick: The prints of darkness
Stephen Spielberg: Home is where the art is
Martin Scorsese on American cinema: Goodfella seduced by sin
Fritz Lang: Beauty and the beast
Jean Renoir’s La grande illusion and La règle du jeu: Tableaux glorying in sawn-off corners
Film magazine Enthusiasm: Blunt phoenix pits itself against Hollywood
Lindsay Anderson: The virgin queen and his progeny
Producers: Behind the scenes on screen, who has the vision thing?
Shakespeare and the moving image: Sex, violence and bard language
The Oxford History of World Cinema: Lights, camera, inaction
For the Guardian:
Bill Douglas obituary: His pain was our pain
British film industry: Britain and the lucky strike syndrome
For the Observer Magazine:
For FINAL CUT – published by the European Film College